The Grinch Podcast

So, guess what? We stumbled upon this super cool event the other day. It was all about promoting the brand new podcast by none other than the Grinch himself! And get this, it's a kids podcast! How awesome is that?

Now, I know what you're thinking - the Grinch doing a podcast for kids? But hey, even the grumpiest of creatures can have a soft spot for little ones. And let me tell you, this podcast is not your average bedtime story hour. It's filled with funny stories, catchy songs, and all sorts of adventures that will keep those kiddos entertained for hours.

So if you've got some little ones in your life who are always itching for something new to listen to, make sure to check out the Grinch's new podcast by Wondery. Trust me, they won't be disappointed!

Event Details

  • Location: Century City Mall (First Floor) near the train station

  • Date: November 1st - December 24, 2023

Written by Head Rascal (Ngoc Nguyen Lay), mother of two rascals, ages 8 and 10. Photos from mom’s iPhone and taken from our @hellorascalkids Instagram.