Our Favorite English - Spanish Books

Hello Rascal Kids Our Favorite English Spanish Books

A fairly common sound in our house is an almost-two-year-old and a three-and-a-half-year-old naming items and counting in Spanish. It is the cutest thing ever! Now, as with most young kids, the sounds of language are not perfect and are usually interpreted best by the caregivers, but this mommy knows her kids are counting to ten in Spanish, naming trucks and pieces of clothing in Spanish, and describing items by their color in Spanish.

Much of our Spanish practice happens naturally throughout the day. We count our steps in Spanish. We say the colors of toys in Spanish. We identify animals by their Spanish words and their English sounds. We name the vehicles we see driving around town and on the highways using Spanish words.

My youngest has 3 favorite books that he turns to again and again. He consistently selects these books from the bookshelf of nearly 2 dozen English - Spanish books and toddles over to my lap and asks me to “wead it.” Together, we point at the pictures and name the items in English and then in Spanish. And, as often as I can remember - because, you know, mommy brain is a real thing, I try to review those words with him in real-world contexts.

Hello Rascal Kids Our Favorite English Spanish Books

Here are a few of our favorite English - Spanish books:

  1. Bright Baby Animals (Animales) by Roger Priddy. The pictures of the animals are realistic, the pages are colorful, and the layout is simple.

  2. Very First Words in Spanish by Usborne. Though this exact title is no longer available, Usborne’s list of English - Spanish books is extensive. Usborne books are vibrant with realistic illustrations.

  3. Bright Baby Trucks (Camiones) by Roger Priddy. As a truck-loving boy, my youngest can look through this book and name each item in English and Spanish. His favorites are the garbage truck and the fire engine.

Happy reading!

Written by Brandi Stanton, mother of two rascals ages 2 and 3.

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