Rabbit Ladders

When we first visited Rabbit Ladders at The Point in El Segundo, I was immediately drawn to this shop’s unique selection of books and toys. My rascals could not wait to get inside.

The mission of Rabbit Ladders makes us at Hello Rascal Kids cheer! It’s “a kids’ store built for kids, aimed to empower and enrich the lives of its customers.”

Wendy Goodman and Ben Goodman are mother and son business owners, based in Los Angeles. The idea for Rabbit Ladders was born from Wendy’s childhood and the wild imagination of her youth. Here’s an excerpt from their website that best exemplifies their mission:

“[Wendy] was always an entrepreneur with a vivid imagination. At five years old, Wendy saw that there were rabbits in her family's Detroit-area neighborhood. In an attempt to help friends and neighbors better play with these furry strangers, she decided to walk door to door and sell imaginary Rabbit Ladders for the rabbits to climb through the kitchen windows and eat carrots from the refrigerator. With a crayon drawing of her concept in hand, she was able to sell her creations for a nickel a piece. It's this kind of imagination, creativity, and child-like whimsy that Rabbit Ladders is all about.”

Rabbit Ladders provides an interactive shopping experience for both you and your kids. You can book personal shopping time, buy unique gifts, and find items that will delight even the pickiest rascal.

There are not many kid-friendly stores, even those aimed at the younger crowd, that cater to kids’ energy and imagination. But at Rabbit Ladders, you can truly let your (and your rascals’) imagination run wild!

Written by Head Rascal (Ngoc Nguyen Lay), mother of two rascals, ages 4 and 6.